Skin Bliss

Skincare Intelligence

Most common skincare ingredients

Which skincare ingredients are most common and which ones are good for your skin?

  • Most common skincare ingredients

    Most common skincare ingredients


We analyzed more than 25’000 skincare products and their ingredients and want to find out what’s in all the products we put on our faces every day. We will publish our results over the next weeks and start with two easy questions:

What are the most common ingredients in skincare products? Which ones actually help your skin?

Of the top ten most common ingredients, Water, Glycerin, Tocopherol (Vitamin E) and Citric Acid have proven benefits. They moisturize your skin, can revitalize it and strengthen its structure.

Fragrance (or Perfume) is a collective term that can indicate a large number of different ingredients that do not need to be individually indicated on the ingredient list. They are among the most common sources for allergic reactions. In general, cosmetic producers have the option to declare the specific fragrance they use, so ingredient-conscious brands often decide to indicate what they use, rather than occlude their ingredients. Linalool and Limonene are the most common fragrance compounds. They are among the perfume ingredients that can cause allergic reactions and are considered skin sensitizing by the EU. They must be declared on the ingredient list if they are used in volumes of more than 0.01% in rinse-off products and 0.001% in leave-on products.

Phenoxyethanol is the most commonly used preservative in personal care products. It is often used in water-based cosmetics or cosmetics where water can be introduced to protect it from microbial growth. It is contained products of virtually all categories, especially if they are water-based. It can, although comparatively rarely, cause allergies.

Dimethicone is a silicon oil produced from petroleum. Although it is not damaging to the skin, it is often used as cheap filler material for cosmetic products. So it is not a good choice to produce high-quality skincare products.

Disodium EDTA is a preservative and stabilizer. That means, it makes sure the texture of the cosmetic remains consistent. However, as a side effect, it also enhances skin penetration of other products, i.e. if it occurs together with irritating ingredients it is considered harmful.

Most common skincare ingredients