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Where can I buy Decléor DECLÉOR Rosemary Mask?
Decléor DECLÉOR Rosemary Mask is sold in the following stores and countries:
[['BR', 'StrawberryNET', 175.5, 'BRL', ''], ['CA', 'LOOKFANTASTIC', 44.7, 'CAD', ''], ['CN', 'StrawberryNET', 229.0, 'CNY', ''], ['DE', 'allbeauty', 23.4, 'EUR', ''], ['DK', 'Cocopanda', 279.0, 'DKK', ''], ['DK', 'LOOKFANTASTIC', 293.0, 'DKK', ''], ['DK', 'Luxplus', 149.95, 'DKK', ''], ['ES', 'PROMOFARMA', 21.01, 'EUR', ''], ['FR', 'allbeauty', 25.15, 'EUR', ''], ['GB', 'LOOKFANTASTIC', 34.0, 'GBP', ''], ['GB', 'Luxplus', 17.99, 'GBP', ''], ['GB', 'StrawberryNET', 30.0, 'GBP', ''], ['GB', 'allbeauty', 18.95, 'GBP', ''], ['IE', 'LOOKFANTASTIC', 38.45, 'EUR', ''], ['IL', 'StrawberryNET', 118.0, 'ILS', ''], ['IN', 'StrawberryNET', 2720.5, 'INR', ''], ['INT', 'LOOKFANTASTIC', 38.45, 'EUR', ''], ['INT', 'StrawberryNET', 34.5, 'USD', ''], ['IT', 'LOOKFANTASTIC', 38.45, 'EUR', ''], ['KR', 'StrawberryNET', 46575.0, 'KRW', ''], ['NL', 'Luxplus', 17.99, 'EUR', ''], ['NO', 'LOOKFANTASTIC', 425.0, 'NOK', ''], ['PT', 'LOOKFANTASTIC', 28.95, 'EUR', ''], ['RU', 'StrawberryNET', 2625.5, 'RUB', ''], ['SE', 'LOOKFANTASTIC', 408.0, 'SEK', ''], ['SG', 'LOOKFANTASTIC', 63.0, 'SGD', ''], ['TH', 'StrawberryNET', 1302.5, 'THB', ''], ['TW', 'LOOKFANTASTIC', 1326.0, 'TWD', ''], ['US', 'LOOKFANTASTIC', 35.2, 'USD', ''], ['US', 'StrawberryNET', 34.5, 'USD', ''], ['US', 'eCosmetics', 39.27, 'USD', ''], ['BR', 'StrawberryNET', 277.0, 'BRL', ''], ['CN', 'StrawberryNET', 361.5, 'CNY', ''], ['GB', 'StrawberryNET', 47.5, 'GBP', ''], ['IL', 'StrawberryNET', 186.5, 'ILS', ''], ['IN', 'StrawberryNET', 4297.5, 'INR', ''], ['INT', 'StrawberryNET', 54.5, 'USD', ''], ['KR', 'StrawberryNET', 73575.0, 'KRW', ''], ['RU', 'StrawberryNET', 4147.5, 'RUB', ''], ['TH', 'StrawberryNET', 2058.0, 'THB', ''], ['US', 'StrawberryNET', 54.5, 'USD', ''], ['US', 'eCosmetics', 52.73, 'USD', '']]